My Antispam Measures
I get a fair share of spam. I have something like 10 working private email addresses, I’m listed as recipient in numerous email aliases and they all end up in the same physical mailbox where I read...
View ArticleMy best spam rules right now
I’ve already before mentioned my antispam setup, but today I just ran a little check on my “hispam” mailbox (the spams with so high spam points that I never even bother to check them for false...
View ArticleAbsorbing 1,000 emails per day
Some people say email is dead. Some people say there are “email killers” and bring up a bunch of chat and instant messaging services. I think those people communicate far too little to understand how...
View ArticleDMARC helped me ditch gmail
I’ve been a gmail user for many years (maybe ten). Especially since the introduction of smart phones it has been a really convenient system to read email on the go. I rarely respond to email from my...
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